
Ÿ (Cube).

"Ÿ" (released in 2019), Öxxö Xööx's third album, tells a story of choices and questioning. It marks the beginning of a new duology (the second one).

It represents a red revolt, a fiery and direct confrontation with our world, the cube in which we are confined. It is a surge of our inner fire, one that does not burn or destroy, but rather blazes and radiates. It is an album of questioning: "why does this reality not suit you ?"

Delving deeper into the symbolism of the album and the band's universe, Laurent elaborates: "Ÿ" is a highly symbolic album with several meanings.

First and foremost, the umlauts symbolize the duality of our material universe. "Ÿ" is a two-headed "I," signifying two directions. It is the symbol of the choice between the path of Light and the path of darkness, between vice and virtue, the upper or the lower.

Its tree-like shape reflects human growth, with branches reaching towards the Heavens.

"Ÿ" symbolizes three-dimensional space (the orthonormal coordinate system x, Y, z). It also represents a corner of a cube, symbolizing the Earth, stability, and the hardness of the material world.

"Y" can also evoke the bifid tongue of the serpent, the crossroads, the "Y" generation, the simplified shape of the female internal genital tract, as well as the Y chromosome in males, and Christ (Y) on the cross.

The artwork, created by Laurent Lunoir, aligns with the concept of the Great Alchemical Work.

It is an album that marks the end of an era, a kind of tribute to a friendship that ended with an artist whom Laurent cherished like a brother.

The album's lineup includes Laurent Lunoir, Laure Le Prunenec (Rïcïnn) as the vocalist, and Thomas Jacquelin (Isarnos) on drums. Master Boot Record is a guest artist who provided the synth guitars for the album.

Öxxö Xööx - "Ÿ" [Full Album]

Öxxö Xööx - "Lëïth Säë" [Music Video]

Öxxö Xööx - "Döld" [Lyric Video]