
(The Opening of the Hypercube)

+ (The Opening of the Hypercube).

"+" is the water album that follows the fire album "Ÿ" by Öxxö Xööx, released in 2019. It concludes this second duology.
Just like "Ÿ", "+" has a duration of about 78 minutes and also includes 9 tracks.
"Ÿ" (Cube) represents the red rebellion against the tesseract, the Earth.
"+" (The Opening of the Hypercube) is a spiritual blue rebellion, symbolizing the opening of the hypercube.
The cover is a blend of technology referencing our dualistic, digital, and mathematical matrix, combined with water symbolizing the Divine, the Celestial, the elsewhere (in French, l'eau/haut/là-haut).
It is the symbol of opposition between Celestial Spirituality and earthly spirituality.
The lyrics are besides inspired by the book titled "Spiritualités Célestes contre spiritualités terrestres" by an anonymous author.
It represents the confrontation between two forms of spirituality: the earthly spirituality of demons who embrace their predatory nature by exploiting material and technology, symbolized by these printed circuits, and the Celestial Spirituality of demons who seek to regain their status as Angels.
Engaged in a process of redemption, forgiveness, and repairing of their faults, those who rebel against the evil within them, symbolized by the cathedrals made of water.
Therefore, there is an idea of separation, of divorcing from evil. So there is also the idea of a revolt, a departure.
It is the path of water that soothes, of openness, and the answer to the question posed by "Ÿ".
"+" represents the desire to embrace the positive, even if it can be difficult.
It is facing the truth, even if it is harsh and frightening. This is a rebellion motivated by love for freedom.
"Ÿ" and "+" symbolize the ascent from hell through fire and water. It is the symbol of the Christic posture (Y) and the cross of Christ (+).
"+" representing the choice of true Light, the opening of the tesseract, and the rejection of the Earth, of this matrix that forces us to adopt a predatory behavior to survive.
It is the symbol of enlightenment, of purifying the place, of repairing and cleaning.
It is choosing to accept ourselves as we are, which goes against what the system tries to create with this "hive mind" to standardize the human mind, so that the world adopts a single way of perceiving reality.
It is a revolt to reclaim our singularity, to save our soul from this earthly tyranny.
As in all albums by Öxxö Xööx, the lyrics are written in "Öx," a "language of the soul" created by Öxxö Xööx (Laurent Lunoir).
The novelty of this album lies in the presence of numerous passages in French.
The album has a slightly religious connotation while being anticlerical, based on the message of Christ: "My Kingdom is not of this world".

Öxxö Xööx - "+" [Full Album]

Öxxö Xööx - "Dïrïün(X)" [Music Video]

Öxxö Xööx - "Däë(8)" [Lyric Video]

Öxxö Xööx - "Krïs(T)" [Lyric Video]